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1 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 3:00:37pm

Pam, stop drinking.

2 Gus  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 3:02:34pm


@SamHarrisOrg Sam Harris
Lower cognitive ability is a predictor of right-wing social biases (racism, homophobia, etc.): [Link:]

3 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 3:03:42pm

*face palm*

4 b_snark  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 3:32:26pm

Misunderstanding the 'essence' of an analogy is pretty common from the right, they have problems with the complexity. Another problem they have is differentiating between ultimate and proximate cause.

5 PeterWolf  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 3:32:33pm

There are many examples of Geller's failure to understand, or refusal to grasp the hypocrisy she preaches. Remember the Halal Turkey issue. It was odd that anyone who took a look at that could ignore the similarities between the Halal and Kosher methods for slaughtering meat. About the only real distinction is the apparent Halal requirement for a prayer.

Hell, I could catch cooties from meat that someone whose god I don't believe in prayed over. Really, why would I care?

6 Randall Gross  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 6:13:33pm

The best analogy would have been to compare it to the Nazi march in Skokie, or the Holocaust deniers who try to march through Jewish Neighborhoods in Europe, or the baptist bigots who demonstrate against gays at military funerals. That's what Pam's meeting is: desperate attention seeking and provocation.

7 Jim Dandy  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 7:23:09pm

Which is worse, honor killing or reporting on honor killing?

Just wondering where your moral compass lies.

8 Obdicut  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 7:27:48pm

re: #7 Jim Dandy

Reporting on it is important. Reporting on it accurately is very important. A stepfather killing his stepdaughter after becoming obsessed with her and having everything in his life collapsing around him is not an 'honor killing'.

Furthermore, all the concern about honor killing, in a society where men murder their wives (and vice versa) over sexual jealousy quite often, seems rather misplaced. We have a huge problem with spousal abuse and murder in this society. Getting all worried about something that's not at all common in this culture seems pretty weird.

Make sense?

9 KronoGhazi  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 7:50:11pm

re: #7 Jim Dandy

Which is worse, honor killing or reporting on honor killing?

Just wondering where your moral compass lies.

I wonder where yours lies in asking such an odd question.

10 Decatur Deb  Sun, Feb 5, 2012 7:51:11pm

re: #9 BigPapa

I wonder where yours lies in asking such an odd question.

He's dead, Jim.

11 mr.JA  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 4:18:54am

re: #5 PeterWolf

There are many examples of Geller's failure to understand, or refusal to grasp the hypocrisy she preaches. Remember the Halal Turkey issue. It was odd that anyone who took a look at that could ignore the similarities between the Halal and Kosher methods for slaughtering meat. About the only real distinction is the apparent Halal requirement for a prayer.

Hell, I could catch cooties from meat that someone whose god I don't believe in prayed over. Really, why would I care?

Funny you mention this, in The Netherlands, the government wanted to ban 'religious slaughtering' based on a report showing that this form of slaughtering was more cruel to animals than regular slaughtering. It passed parliament, but failed ultimately in the Senate.
In response to the debates and parliamentary votes, Muslims and Jews protested together against this law, since their ways of slaughtering animals is based on largely the same rules.

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